Creative Fun Toys

by Creative Media GmbH

About Us

Thank you for your interest in getting to know us. We started as a Software Engineering Company in 1996. Over the years, we have extended our field of business into other markets, using our good connections we have establish with different clients over the years. We are located in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, which many call the heart of Europe. With it’s perfect infrastructure and the many businesses, that are located here, it is the perfect location for us to expand our business to many other countries.
One of our new markets is the wonderful world of making incredible toys for children. When you check out our products, you will find a vast list of battery powered vehicles for children from the age of 3-10. When we started this new field of business in 2022, all of us wanted to be kids again, so we could try our these products ourselves. But we had to settle for the joy in the children’s faces, when they tried out our products.
We are manufacturing licensed brands like Mercedes, Lamboughini, Audi, CAT and many others. But we are also manufacturing hot and innovative models created by ourselves, desingned to maximize the fun for the children while playing with them.
I hope we gained your interest in our comapany and in our products. If you have any further questions or would like to get to know us better, please feel free to contact us. We are always happy to assist you!